European College of Equine Internal Medicine

Some news from the ECEIM executive committee

The Executive committee had an online meeting on the 3rd of September with the responsibles of the exam committee, the ECC and also Marco Duz, responsible for the online 2020 congress and the Roma 2021 congress.

In 2020, the ECEIM online congress will be held on Friday 20th of November. The program is nearly finished and we will communicate on it in the next days. There will be 2 main conferences, short communications and, at the end of the day, the AGM.
In 2021, the congress will be held the 22nd and 23rd of October. Save these dates!

The Exam committee has done a tremendous work for 2021 exam: it will be a "new version" exam and, because of Covid-19, 2021 exam will also be an online exam. The exam committee has informed all the candidates.  Each candidate will be supervised by an ECEIM Diplomate (or a Diplomate from another college) throughout exam process.

The ECC has also made an enormous work with a number of informations concerning Diplomats or Residents being available on the website. The next step is to upload the congresses attendance certificates as well as the tasks of Diplomats in different committees on the website in order to make the re-certification process more easy for everyone.

For the residents, we are aware that Covid-19 may bring some difficulties. Residents may struggle with fulfilling their caselog and may have to postpone long-planned external rotations. We advise all residents and supervisors from first to last year to assess this and get in contact with the ECC if problems arising from low case numbers, communications during congresses, etc. can be foreseen.

We are building an agenda for the next AGM that we will send to all Diplomats in October or November with all the subjects to talk about and the different points which require a vote. Please feel free to come back to us with some points you'd like to discuss.

We hope each of you is safe and that Covid-19 doesn’t make your personal and professional life too difficult!

Anne Couroucé

For the Executive Committee