European College of Equine Internal Medicine

Educational Specialist Webinar developed by ECEIM's ATAC committee

The next educational Specialist Webinar developed by ECEIM's ATAC committee in conjunction with Boehringer Academy is scheduled for:  

Wednesday March 3rd at 6.30PM GMT / 7.30PM Central European Time (CET)
and is titled:
‘Equine colitis’
presented by
Dr. Angelika Schoster, PD, PhD, DACVIM, DECEIM
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)

This webinar is aimed at those with a specialist interest in equine internal medicine, equine infectious diseases and gastroenterology and was designed especially for ECEIM specialists and residents, but is open to all equine vets with an interest in equine internal medicine.  

Dr. Schoster is an expert on equine colitis and is (co-) author of many scientific publications on the equine intestinal microbiota, equine colitis, and equine clostridial enteric disease in particular. During this webinar she will discuss pathophysiology, etiology, diagnostics and (future) treatment options for equine colitis.  

The webinar is approximately 50 minutes long and after the screening of the webinar there will be a live Q&A session, so don’t miss this valuable opportunity to put your comments and questions directly to Dr. Schoster. 

To view this webinar, you must first register with Boehringer Academy at Please register well before the live screening of the webinar in order for the application to be completed.  

If you cannot join us for the live screening, the webinar will be archived to view on-demand on the Boehringer Academy website. 

Kind regards, 

Mathijs J.P. Theelen, DVM, Dipl.ECEIM
Chair of the ECEIM Advanced Training Advisory Committee (ATAC)