European College of Equine Internal Medicine

ECEIM Associate editor for JVIM

Following the AGM, Ken Hinchcliff (JVIM) was informed of the decision by the ECEIM Diplomates to financially support an ECEIM Associate Editor position. However, Ken informed ECEIM that JVIM had already appointed Kris Hughes as the new Associate Editor (equine) in March 2019, and that JVIM does not anticipate another vacancy for an equine Associate Editor in the near future. However, Kris is an active ECEIM Diplomate and is willing to be the official ECEIM Associate Editor should our college agree to his appointment. The terms are as presented to all Diplomates during the AGM.

The ECEIM Executive Committee fully supports Kris Hughes to be the official ECEIM Associate Editor, if there are any questions or concerns regarding this decision please contact the Executive Committee via the Secretary.

It has also been clarified by JVIM that the publisher will waive the APC (publishing fees) for consensus statements (maximum of one per year from the ECEIM) and several other categories (maximum of 60 per year) including one article for a resident or new ECEIM Diplomate that is listed as the first author. So, for the term of the current contract (until the end of 2020) an ECEIM resident will have APC waived for one manuscript on which they are first author. It is important to note that an individual resident or new diplomate can claim this only once in their career.